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Privacy Policy

Policy for Exercising the Data Subjects’ Rights


BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD is processing and protecting the personal data collected in the course of fulfilment of its activity in an honest and lawful way, always complying with the purposes for which the data are being collected.

The officers processing personal data for the purposes and with regards to the subject of activity of the trade company, for signing contracts for services and in fulfilment of the obligations thereof respect the following principles in the processing of personal data as part of their employment obligations:

Ø Personal data are processed in a lawful and conscientious manner

Ø Personal data are collected for specific, strictly defined and legitimate purposes, and are not additionally processed in a way incompatible with these purposes

Ø Personal data are accurate and are updated if necessary

Ø Personal data are deleted or corrected when they are found to be inaccurate or disproportionate to the purposes for which they are processed

Ø Personal data are kept in a form that permits the identification of the individuals concerned for a period no longer than the necessary for the purposes for which such data are collected

The employees processing personal data are initially and periodically trained for data privacy and are kept familiar with the applicable legislation.


Definition of terms

The terms stated below have the following meanings:

Personal data means any information relating to an identified natural person or natural person that can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by an identifier such as name, identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more of the features specific to physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that individual.


Applicable law means the legislation of the European Union and the Republic of Bulgaria which is relevant to the protection of personal data.


Data subject means a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by any identifier such as name, identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more features, specific for the physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that individual.


Regulation (ЕU) 2016/679 means Regulation (ЕU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April27, 2016on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), published in the Official Journal of the European Union on May 4, 2016.


Rights of personal data subjects


The data subjects have the following rights regarding their personal data:

· access rights

· the right to rectification

· the right to data portability

· the right to erasure

· the right to delete (right to be forgotten)

· the right to request restriction of processing

· the right to file an objection of processing the personal data

· the right of the data subject not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing no matter if such processing involves profiling or not



Upon request, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD shall provide the following information to the data subject:

· information whether BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD is processing or not the personal data of the individual

· a copy of the individual’s personal data processed by BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD

· an explanation on the data processed


The explanation on the data processed shall comprise the following information:

· purposes of the processing

· the relevant categories of personal data

· recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data are or will be disclosed

· where possible, the foreseeable period for which personal data will be stored and, if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period

· the right to request rectification or deletion of personal data or to limit the processing of personal data relating to the data subject or to file and objection against such processing

· the right to appeal to a supervisory body

· when personal data are not collected from the data subject, any available information about their source

The data processing explanation shall contain the information that BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD submits to the data subjects by means of the Privacy Notice.

Upon request of the personal data subject, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD may provide a copy of the personal data that is being processed.

When providing a copy of personal data, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD should not disclose the following data categories:

· personal data of third parties, unless they have expressly agreed to do so

· data that constitute a trade secret, intellectual property or confidential information

· other information that is protected under the applicable law

Providing access to personal data subject cannot adversely affect the rights and freedoms of third parties or lead to a breach of a regulatory obligation of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD

Where access requests are clearly unfounded or excessive, especially because they are repeated in multiple occasions, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD may charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative costs made for providing the information or to refuse to respond to the request for access.

BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD shall assess on a case-by-case basis whether a claim is clearly unfounded or excessive.

Upon refusal to provide access to personal data, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD shall advance arguments for its refusal and shall notify the data subject about her/his right to file a claim with the CPDP.



Data subjects may ask their personal data processed by BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD to be rectified if the latter are inaccurate or incomplete.

When a request of rectification of personal data is satisfied, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD shall notify the other recipients to whom the data have been disclosed (i.e. government bodies, service providers, etc.) so that they could reflect the changes.



Upon request, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD is obliged to delete personal data if one of the following reasons exists:

· Personal data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;

· the data subject has withdrawn her/his consent on which the processing of the data is based, and there is no other legal basis for the processing;

· the data subject has made an objection to processing and there are no legitimate grounds for the processing to take precedence;

· the data subject has objected the processing of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing;

· personal data have been illegitimately processed;

· personal data should be erased in order to comply with a legal obligation of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD

· Personal data have been gathered in connection with the provision of services to an information society of children pursuant to Article 8 (1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD is not obliged to delete the personal data as far as their processing is necessary for:

· exercising the right to freedom of expression and the right to information;

· complying with a legal obligation of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD;

· reasons of public interest in the field of public health according to article 9, paragraph 2, items (h) and (i), and article 9, paragraph (3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679;

· the purposes of archiving in the public interest, for scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes according to article 89, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, inasmuch as the right of deletion is likely to make it impossible or seriously obstruct the achievement of the objectives of this processing;

· Determining, exercising or defence of legal claims.


Ø When deleting an application, it is removed from the company's account and this may lead to the impossibility to take the application into account when making a selection.

Ø The sending of an application is a sending of an electronic statement to the respective Employer, according to ZEDEUU a log of the fact of sending the statement / without its content / is maintained for a period of 1 / one / year. It contains the date of the statement, name and email address of the sender, and identification of the recipient, application number.

Ø When closing an account, all applications are removed from the accounts of the companies in which the application is made, as this may lead to the impossibility of taking these applications into account when making a selection. Deleting only applies to applications stored on the site.

Ø If you want to download and save the data from the account, it is necessary to do so before closing it. After closing the account, all data, part of it, is deleted. In connection with the court, the obligations, responsibilities and requirements of the law BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. stores this data for up to 1 / one / year in order to resolve possible disputes that have arisen or become known after termination of the agreement for use of the Services, for a period of 1 / one / year after account termination.

Ø The data shall be deleted after the expiry of the specified period. In the meantime, they may be provided only in due course to the competent state authorities in the exercise of their supervisory powers or to a competent court in the event of legal proceedings in which they are relevant. In the event of a legal dispute or proceedings requiring the retention of data and / or a request from a competent state authority, it is possible to retain data for longer than the specified periods until the final conclusion of the dispute or proceedings before all instances.


The data subject has the right to request a limitation of processing when one of the following applies:

· the accuracy of personal data is disputed by the data subject; the limitation of processing is applied for a period that allows the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;

· processing is illegal, however the data subject does not want the personal data to be deleted, but instead requires a limitation of use;

· BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes but the data subject requires them for determining, exercise or protection of legal claims;

· The data subject has objected to the processing on the grounds of the legitimate interest of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD and there is an ongoing verification whether the legal grounds of the controller have priority over the interests of the data subject.

BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD may process personal data the processing of which is limited only to the following purposes:

· for storing the data;

· with the consent of the data subject;

· to determine, exercise and protect legal claims;

· to protect the rights of another individual;

· On important grounds of public interest.

When a data subject has asked a limitation of the processing and if any of the above reasons is available, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD shall notify her/him before the processing restriction is lifted.



The data subject is entitled to receive the personal data concerning her/him, and which she/he has provided to BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD in a structured, widely used and machine readable format.

Upon request, these data may be transferred to another controller designated by the data subject when this is technically feasible.

The personal data subject may exercise the right to portability in the following cases:

· when processing is based on the consent of the data subject;

· processing is done on the basis of a contractual obligation;

· Processing is performed in an automated manner.

The right to portability cannot adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.


The data subject has the right to object to the processing of his or her personal data by BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD if the data are processed on any of the following grounds:

· processing is necessary for the performance of a task of public interest or in the exercise of official authority conferred on the controller;

· the processing is necessary for purposes related to the legitimate interests of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD or a third party.

BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD shall terminate the processing of the personal data unless it proves that there are convincing legal grounds to continue doing it which take precedence over the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or to determine, exercise or defend legal claims.


When personal data are processed for the purposes of direct marketing, the data subject is entitled at any time to object to the processing of personal data for that purpose, including with regards of profiling related to direct marketing.

When the data subject opposes processing for direct marketing purposes, the processing of personal data for these purposes is terminated.



Personal data subjects may exercise the rights under this Policy by submitting a request for exercising the applicable right.

Requests to exercise the rights of data subjects may be submitted in the following way:

By e-mail to the following email address:

On-site in the office of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD

By mail at the address of the office of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD: Sofia 1618, Vitosha district, r.c. Buxton, bl. 16, ent. B, fl. 7, apt. 35

The request for exercising the rights relating to the protection of personal data should contain the following information:

Identification of the person – name and unified identification number

Contacts for feedback – address, telephone, e-mail

Application – description of the request

BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD shall provide information on the actions taken in connection with an application to exercise the rights of the entities within one month from the date the application is received.

If necessary, this period may be extended further by two more months, taking into account the complexity and number of requests from a particular person. BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD shall notify the person of any such extension within one month from the receipt of the request, indicating the reasons for the delay.


BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD is not obliged to respond to a request if it is not able to identify the data subject.

BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD may ask for the provision of additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the data subject where there are reasonable concerns about the identity of the natural person submitting the request.

Where the request is made by electronic means, the information shall, if possible, be provided by electronic means, unless the data subject has requested otherwise.

This Policy is adopted by Order of the CEO of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD.



Everyone has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of personal data violates applicable personal data protection legislation.

The supervisory body in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Commission for Personal Data Protection, with address: Sofia 1592, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov 2 blvd.



BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD is not responsible for the accuracy of the data provided, does not perform checks in this sense and does not guarantee the actual identity of the individuals who provided the data. In all cases of suspicion, fraud and / or abuse, please notify us immediately.

Each user undertakes not to violate the rights of others in connection with the protection of their personal data or other rights when providing any information on the site.

All users of the site have the rights provided in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), explicitly stated in the Privacy Policy of "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd, according to the Agreement on Trade and cooperation, the continuous free exchange of personal data from the EU to the UK, and Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council on an adequate level of protection of personal data by the United Kingdom.


Privacy notice

With this Privacy Notice BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD. gives information about how the personal data provided to him are collected, used, shared and protected.

BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD. is processing personal data in a lawful, conscientious and transparent way. They are collected for specific, explicitly stated and legitimate purposes and are not further processed in a way incompatible with these purposes. Personal data are appropriate and relevant, as well as limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (‘data minimization’), they are accurate and up-to-date. They are processed in a way that ensures an adequate level of security of personal data. They are kept in good faith and in accordance with the statutory deadlines.

For the purposes of this notification, “personal data” means any information relating to an identified natural person or natural person that can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by an identifier such as name, identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more features specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychical, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that individual.

1. Purposes for which personal data are used by BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD. :

Ø Personal data are used for the purposes and the subject of activity of the company, namely:

· providing the maximum volume of professional services related to job search and supply;

· BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. owns and manages the platform, through which job seekers and job providers contact directly and connect directly with each other by posting job postings, attaching resumes, applying / responding to such ads and / or exchange of the necessary information, as in these cases "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd. processes the personal data of the subjects on the grounds of art. 6, par. 1, p. (a) and / or (b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016;

· Compliance with legislative requirements, including avoidance of conflicts of interest, corrupt practices and obligations under Bulgarian law.

Ø In connection with the conclusion of other contracts and on the occasion of their trade relations, accompanying and related to the subject of activity of the company.

Ø Conclusion and execution of a contract - These are the purposes necessary for the steps for concluding and execution of the contract between the Users and RIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd, including the necessary data processing for registration, account creation and the activities for providing the Services available through the site.

Ø Legitimate interest - related to the legitimate interests of BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. and / or third parties such as other users, Employers, Employers' Representatives and others.

Ø Legal obligations - related to compliance with legal obligations of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD, which include fulfilment of obligations under the law to retain or provide information upon receipt of a relevant order from the competent state or judicial authorities,

Ø Explicit consent - the data can be processed on the basis of explicit consent, as the processing in this case is specific and to the extent and scope provided in the respective consent.

2. Entities to which BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD processes personal data:

Ø individuals - registered Candidates who use the site;

Ø individuals who use the site without registration;

Ø Representatives of Employers - individuals;

Ø Employers - individuals who are registered on the site;

Ø Natural persons designated by the Employer as contact persons (administrative contact, financial contact, human resources, data protection officer, etc.)

3. Processed data in connection with the provision of the Services to the Candidates for employment - natural persons:

Ø Information Candidate provided - he decides whether and how to use the services we provide The forms through which personal data are entered clearly indicate the mandatory or voluntary nature of the provision of data. The data, the completion of which is obligatory, are such, without which it is impossible to provide the respective Service or part of it:

· Registration - The use of some of the Services is possible after registration. To create your own account, you need to enter: name, surname, email address and password. In addition, information on registration and compliance with the Terms (date, time and IP address) is stored.

· Data stored on the already created account - Some of the provided Services consist in providing the possibility to create and / or store information such as photos, CVs and / or other files and to use and send them to Employers accordingly. The candidate decides independently whether and what data to store in the account on the site.

4. Processed data in connection with the provision of the Services to Employers:

Ø Information provided by the Employer - he decides whether and how to use the Services provided by The forms through which personal data are entered clearly indicate the mandatory or voluntary nature of the provision of data. The data, the completion of which is obligatory, are such, without which it is impossible to provide the respective Service or part of it:

· Registration of company account, users and contacts. When creating and using a company account on the Site, information about the Employer is required; Representatives of the Employer; Contact persons; Data protection officer within the meaning of the Regulation (if any). In addition, information on the registration and acceptance of the Terms (date, time and IP address) is stored. The data provided by the Employer when registering an account, adding Representatives and contact persons can be:

o Employers - individuals: name, address of management, other contact details (address for correspondence; telephone; e-mail address); UIC / BULSTAT; VAT number, etc.

o Representatives of Employers - individuals: name, position, business phone, business email address, etc.

o Contact persons - individuals: name, position, business phone, business email address, etc.

• Contracts, declarations, etc. documents related to the conclusion and implementation of the contract (additional agreements; powers of attorney; declarations; invoices, etc.). These documents may contain name, position, contact information, handwritten / electronic signature, etc.

• Correspondence, complaints and alerts. In order to resolve complaints, alerts, disputes, inquiries, requests or other issues.

• Other data - other data may be processed, related to the cases when such data are provided voluntarily by filling in appropriate electronic forms on the Site, adding preferences, settings and others.

Ø Data related to the process of using the Services:

• Contractual and financial information - Information on contractual arrangements;

o Information related to the payments made and due for the Services;

o Information related to the administration and provision of the Services;

o History and information about requested Services;

o History and information about the use of the Services;

o Other information created or provided in the process of using the Services.


BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD has no obligation and does not monitor the availability of the specified data on the Site. The provision of such information is entirely at the risk and responsibility of the person providing it.

BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. may process other data relating to users of the site, in cases where such data is provided voluntarily by filling out appropriate electronic forms on the Site, adding preferences, settings and more.

5. Types of personal data processed by the company:

Ø three names;

Ø contacts: e-mail / username / password (upon registration);

Ø address: permanent or current;

Ø gender, age, educational / professional identity;

Ø telephone number;

Ø other information - depending on the specific case;

6. When providing a copy of personal data, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD may not disclose the following categories of data:

• Personal data of third parties, unless they have expressly agreed to this;

• Data that constitutes a trade secret, intellectual property or confidential information;

• Other information that is protected under applicable law;

7. In case of refusal to provide the required personal data or in case of impossibility to provide them, BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD has the right to refuse to conclude a contract or to terminate one already concluded.

8. The terms for storage of personal data are as follows:

Ø The registration data / such as name, surname, e-mail address) and information about the registration and compliance with the General Terms / date, time, IP address / - for the entire period of account maintenance in the web platform and up to 1 / one / year from termination of registration;

Ø CV, files, photos or other documents and information stored on the account - until they are deleted by the user or until the registration is terminated;

With regard to documents created through and / or stored in the User's account (CVs, external files, photos, etc.), "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd. is a provider of services for storage of foreign information (hosting) and and control over the storage of this user account information is the sole responsibility of the user.

According to the Law on Electronic Commerce in the Republic of Bulgaria, BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. has no obligation to check and monitor for illegal content or to perform illegal activities in relation to these data. However, in the event that BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. is notified of such illegal activity or such illegal content or receives a relevant order from a competent state authority for BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd., an obligation may arise to retain the relevant content regardless of its eventual deletion or by deleting the user's account (Art. 16 of the LEC).

Ø Log certifying the sending of the applications to the respective Employers / contains sender, recipient, date and time, application number, without the content of the application / - for a period of 1 / one / year, according to ZEDEUU;

Ø Applications for advertisement / submitted applications with CV, attachments, etc.) - For a period of up to 6 / six / months or until deletion by the user and / or closing of the account;

Ø Automatic login - For a period of up to 6 / six / months from the last login to the site;

Ø Log in to the account / contains date and time of logging in to the account, status, whether the login is through mobile version, application or desktop browser, IP address / - For a period of up to 1 / one / year from the last login or until closing the account ;

Ø System logs / can contain information such as: date and time, IP address, URL, information about browser version and device / - For a period of up to 1 / one / year;

Ø Complaints, signals, requests and any other correspondence - for a period of up to 5 / five / years;

Ø Personal data collected in connection with the conclusion of another contract, provided that there are no court and / or other claims on it, are stored for 5 (five) years after the end of the calendar year in which the contract expired. In the case of court and / or other claims, the retention period is 3 (three) years after their completion. In some cases, when the processing is on a legal basis and by decision of the relevant authority, this type of information may be stored for up to 7 (seven) years.

Ø Data in connection with the registration of a company account, users, additional users, contacts and information for acceptance of the Terms (date, time, IP address, etc.); contracts, declarations, etc. - For the period of maintaining the account on the Site and up to 5 / five / years from the termination of the registration;

Ø Invoices and other financial information (including data on Employer and Employer's Representatives) - For the period of maintaining the account on the Site and up to 5 / five / years from the termination of registration or up to 10 / ten / years from the beginning of the year , following the one during which the payment of the obligation for the respective year is due;

In the event of a legal dispute or proceedings requiring the retention of data and / or a request from a competent state authority, it is possible to retain data for longer than the specified periods until the final conclusion of the dispute or proceedings before all instances. The specified deadlines may be changed in case a different requirement for keeping the information is established according to the current legislation.

A change in or termination of the relationship between the Employer and his Representatives does not lead to a change in the above deadlines, because the information about the orders, instructions and actions of specific Representatives is necessary to prove and report on contractual and legal obligations.

9. BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD does not provide personal data to third parties, in any other way except as described in this Policy, the General Terms of Use of the site and the cases provided by law.

10. The documents stored on the site are available only to users. When applying, they decide for themselves what information and to which Employers to provide it. After the arrival of the application in the account of the Employer from that moment the Employer, according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 for personal data protection, is now the "Administrator" of the personal data received by the applicant and is responsible for them. Only the "Administrator" / Employer / has the right to dispose of them. For this reason, requests in connection with already submitted applications need to be sent directly to the Employer.

11. This Privacy Notice applies to the storage and processing of personal data by BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD after sending an application to the Employer, in respect of the data received from the Employer, its Privacy Policy applies.

12. BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD is not an intermediary and does not participate in any way in the selection of candidates or subsequent communication, as well as negotiating conditions. BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. has no control over the way in which the Employers process the personal data of the candidates.

13. The received personal data are necessary in connection with the concluded contracts with BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD or other trade relations, and the same are processed and stored lawfully and conscientiously with the consent of the data subject and in fulfillment of the obligations of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD under the concluded contracts.

The personal data collected on the above grounds are used only for the purposes specified in this notification or for additional compatible purposes, according to the law.

14. The personal data collected may be provided to any government authority in connection with its activity and competencies, as follows:

Ø National Revenue Agency (NRA): upon request, in compliance with the statutory obligations and following the procedure established by Law

Ø State Agency for National Security (SANS): in the cases provided by the Measures Against Money Laundering Act

Ø Judiciary bodies: The Judiciary Act provides for a general obligation of legal entities to assist and cooperate with the judiciary authorities in exercising their powers. BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD.  provides personal data also in connection with legal proceedings brought by and against the Company

Ø Ministry of Interior (MoI):The Ministry of Interior Act stipulates a general obligation for all entities to provide assistance and to comply with the instructions of MoI authorities upon request and with regards to the statutory obligations, following the procedures defined by Law

Ø Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC): upon request, in connection with undergoing specific proceedings or inspections, in compliance with the procedures established by Law

Ø Commission for Protection against Discrimination: upon request, in connection with undergoing specific proceedings or inspections, in compliance with the procedures established by Law

Ø Commission for Protection of Competition: upon request, in connection with undergoing specific proceedings or inspections, in compliance with the procedures established by Law

Ø Other state or local government bodies: only if there are legal grounds to proceed in such a way and once the data subject is notified

15. BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. uses subcontractors and service providers as specialized data centres for reliable and secure colocation of server and network equipment and others. In its work with subcontractors and suppliers "BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd. requires them to strictly comply with this Policy and General Terms.

16. In addition to public authorities in connection with their legal obligations, the personal data collected may also be provided to:

Ø Service providers (forwarding services, consultants, experts, appraisers, lawyers). Such disclosure shall take place only if there is a valid reason to do so and on the basis of a written contract the recipients provide an adequate level of protection;

Ø Lawyers or law firms / companies, in connection with lawsuits filed by or against "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" EOOD;

Ø In other cases provided by law;

17. Every data subject has the right to:

Ø to receive a confirmation from "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd for the processing of personal data related to it;

Ø to request from "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd access to personal data related to him, as well as to receive a copy of the same;

Ø to request from "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd the personal data related to him to be provided to another administrator;

Ø to request from "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd correction or deletion of personal data related to it;

Ø to request from "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd restriction of the processing of personal data related to it;

Ø Withdraw its consent to the processing of personal data relating to him at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing of data to date.

Ø to file an objection with BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd in connection with the violated right to protection of personal data related to it;

Ø to file an objection with the supervisory authority in connection with the violated right to protection of personal data related to it.

18. For direct marketing purposes, personal data is used to send special offers, information surveys and e-mail invitations. Appropriate information is sent, recommended products, reminders for items left in the shopping cart, personalized offers. All of these specialized services are based on previous purchases, items being reviewed, and information sent by the customer.

19. "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd uses the "Hotjar" service to better understand the needs of its users and to optimize this service and experience. Hotjar is a technology service that helps better understand user experience (eg how long they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what they do and don't like on the site, etc.) which allows to build and maintain a service with user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data about the behavior of users and their devices. This includes device IP address (processed during the user's session and stored in de-identified form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only) and preferred language, used to display the website. "Hotjar" stores this information on behalf of "BRIGHT FUTURE BG" Ltd in a pseudonymous user profile. Hotjar is contractually prohibited from selling any data collected on behalf of BRIGHT FUTURE BG Ltd.

For more details, you can see the "about Hotjar" section of the Hotjar support site -

Requests, inquiries and objections are submitted in writing to the address of management of BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD: Sofia 1618, Vitosha district, zh.k. Buxton, bl. 16, ent. B, fl. 7, apt. 35 or e-mail:


Cookies Policy

You can become familiar with the website cookies and other technologies for storing information in regard to the services offered With the following, company BRIGHT FUTURE BG LTD provides information in regard to the means of gathering, using, sharing and protecting provided information via the website of the company in accordance with the new requirements of Regulation (EU) 679/2016.

Cookies are information stored on browser. They are used for storing settings and identifiers, which are required for some of the services provided on the website. These files allow for the user to be identified and the website to adjust according to the user’s preferences. Cookies usually contain the name of the website, the duration for which they are stored on the computer of the user, and a unique number.

Cookies are used for the following purposes:





Session and navigation controls (session identifier, session security, back button functionality etc)

Temporary (temporary files, which are generated in the user device until he leaves the website or the correspinding application (for web browsing)

These cookies are necessary for entering the website, navigation controls, and using the website. The website cannot function normally and safely without them.

Security (protection against entry from unrecognized devices)

Up to 6 / six / months from the last entry

These are cookies that are used to protect your account from unrecognized, malicious and unauthorized access.

Automatic account login functionality

Up to 6 / six / months from the last use

If you use this option, it allows you to log in to your account automatically.


Cookies are used to adapt website content to user preferences in order to optimize the website behaviour. They are also used for creating general anonymous statistics, which helps find out how a user is using a website, which consequently helps for the website’s better structure and content, while having to access to personal user information.


Do cookies contain personal information?

Personal information accumulated via cookies could be used only for performing certain operations for the user. This information is encrypted in a way that makes access to it impossible from unauthorized parties.

Cookies browser settings

Browser settings could be used to delete or block receiving cookies on behalf of certain or all websites. Detailed information for the various cookies settings could be found in the settings section of the web browser.

Limiting or blocking cookies could affect some functionalities of the website.

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