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8 tips for negotiating a job offer

It's not a secret that many of us tend to feel uncomfortable when it comes to negotiating our salaries. This is the reason we always take the first offer we receive or feel under constant pressure when we stand our ground.

Published: 03/01/2023

It's not a secret that many of us tend to feel uncomfortable when it comes to negotiating our salaries. This is the reason we always take the first offer we receive or feel under constant pressure when we stand our ground.

However, this might be an enormous mistake, as employers often offer you a standard salary so that you can negotiate with them and decide on a higher salary at last. In this article, Jobbri will share with you the 8 most effective tips when it comes to negotiating for your job.

Always do your research

The first step is quite simple – do your research! When you begin researching salary ranges before you apply for a position, you will be able to justify your salary requirements based on your investigation.

Once you've received a job interview invitation, continue your research based on the pros and cons of this position, in this exact field, and how they can work out for you. If you want to know "what's the tea” in a specific company, then you have to contact the existing or former employees. Ask them whether they were able to negotiate their salaries, what are the benefits and how they find the work they do.


Know your worth

When you receive the pay offer, don't jump to conclusions right away. Even if your previous research about similar job positions is supported by facts, you'll be more successful if you explain the exact reason why you deserve higher pay. Outline your strengths, why you're the perfect match for this company and how they can benefit from working with you.

Always know your worth and stand up for your rights. If you have extra courses and certifications or technical skills, don't forget to mention them in your CV and at the interview. When you establish a connection between your strengths and qualifications, you will prove that you deserve a payment more than the original offer.

Don't be afraid of all the questions

You should never be afraid of questions. They’re important if you want to know where you’re currently at and where you’re heading to. Do you have any more job opportunities or are you stuck in this exact place?

If you get a better work offer, are you going to take it, or you will stay true to the company that has given you a chance? Don’t you think that a pay rise is unreasonable, considering your work experience and achievements?

You must always be prepared to meet the conversation with an open mind and feel confident about yourself.

Keep in mind that you can always refuse

If the job offers or the payment doesn’t meet your expectations, and the negotiation is not going in the right direction, don’t panic – you can always refuse the proposal.

You should know what the minimum salary for this position is and how much extra you want over this amount. Then decide what is the price you’re willing to accept when negotiating. If the company can’t meet your requirements, you’re free to seek a better opportunity.

Think about the job itself, not just the money

Yes, money is important for every candidate, but the truth is that there’re also other factors to consider when accepting a job offer such as:

· What are the working conditions?

· What are the benefits for each candidate?

· Is there a chance for upgrowth?

· Where is the job located?

· Is there an option for remote work? Or flexible working hours?

· Will you get free training, teambuilding and additional benefits?

· Are there any monthly and annual achievable bonuses?

· What health insurance are you going to get and more

When you get answers to all these questions, you will know whether this job is the right fit for you, or not.

At Jobbri you can get this information before applying for a job. Just read carefully what the company has to offer. See our most trending jobs.


Practice in advance

You can ask a friend of yours, an HR specialist, or your ex-colleague to practice with you the conversation you’re likely to have with your new manager. The perfect partner will be a sales or business person that can advise you on how to appear more confident and how to answer unexpected questions.

When practising in advance, you will definitely feel more at ease with yourself and will be self-assured about how to start the salary discussion.


Be positive and show your interest in the job position

When you’re in the meeting about the exact job position you want, don't forget to show your interest and enthusiasm. If you sound bored or not interested enough, employers are less likely to take you seriously.

Maintaining a positive tone while negotiating wages and benefits will help you navigate through the discussion and will predispose the person in front of you.

If your desire is to get a better starting salary, you must request it. Don’t accept the first amount that you will be offered. Instead of that, highlight your skills and qualifications and explain why you think your wish for a pay rise is reasonable.


Have you ever heard the phrase that confidence is the key to success? Well, that’s absolutely true! With our tips for negotiating a job offer, you will know how to handle every situation like a pro and get what you deserve.

Are you currently looking for a better job opportunity? At Jobbri you will find a variety of job offers for companies in different fields. All you have to do is sign up and let your journey begin!